1/27 nba


Fan Club of any and everyone good!
early start
national tv
no kg
boston has good d
looking to middle at half
orlando played real bad d at detroit

magic u192 (1)
GL Brewer. Liked the over myself with KG being out, but things are looking good so far. FYI: Orlando ALWAYS plays bad d at detroit. :)
i like the over too from just watching so far.

boston has no defensive presence inside and boston and rondo can get whatever they want on offense because the magic dont have any pg play.

might go 2u on over at half.
dwight howard just ran over powe and wanted to know why a foul? too funny.
dwight howard is shutting off the lane that worked so well for boston in the 1h. magic pulling away.
magic shot crazy from the land of plenty that 3rd quarter. 5 of em. hopefully not attempting the middle doesnt cost me.
Man, that under wrecked me. I may have to take the rest of the day off. When the clock hit like 7 seconds and he still hadnt made his move I was screaming at the TV.