Sup Fellas!
Today is another day to make units! What could be better!
Thanks for tuning in to an all new episode of "The Kid325i Show" starring your boy "Kid325i"! Airing all season long on CTG! After CRUSHING my last two plays for HUGE winners, Kid325i is back and in attack mode! Hope...
!!!!!!!boom goes the bandwagon
holy overload on emoticons batman!!!
kid drives an oscar meier weiner mobile
kid325i for partner
kid325i is a greek god!
kid325i makes poop pot pies... boom!!
kid325i your veggies kids!
kids will be kids!
large moses!!!!!!!!
penalty box
profit city is in my pants.... boom!
taking all of sammy's attention
the kid express give me a balls rash
the kid express rides the baloney pony
there is a new smodod in town
where are the creative tags?
you got a prob. w/ kid then you got a prob. w/ me
Sup Fellas!
Today's another day to make some units! What could be better!
For those of you who weren't on board last night, Kid325i had an absolute
"doozy" as his "Patented Kid325i Power Play Wager NBA Total Play of the Day" was a smashing success covering by an estimated 38 points! Amazing...
'estimated' 38 points... lmao
add mistaflava style writeups and we have a star
bookie #3
bring back jackie mac
dehoyos gives kid325i sponge baths daily
free dehoyos!
go back to blankets
i hope kid325i is a late april fools joke
insert sunglasses guy/trophy guy & suprised guy
is it boom or ban?
its moors. no-its moops
kid bothers me
kid braids sammy's ass hair
kid circumcized fat rico with his teeth
kid drives a vw bus with a peace sign
kid is a professional modesty counselor
kid plays soggy biscuit and loses on purpose
kid takes the short bus to kindergarden
kid's got limpy pissflaps
kid's illegitimate father is bill ivy
kid's posts give me "the runs"
kid's weiner is nicknamed "tiny moses"
kid325i bathes in 24 carat gold water!!!!
kid325i for mod!!!!
kid325i has diarrhea
kid325i is "en fuego"!!!!!
kid325i is the savior!!!!
kids will be kids!
lighten up and let kid have some fun . geez .
my pissflaps are wet
phil fulmer can eat 12 donuts in 3 minutes
re-instate danny wuerffel (insert trophy guy)
re-instate largejulius .
sammy + kid = crazy delicious! boom!
says boom more than will muschamp
voluptuous phil
Sup Fellas!
Today's another day to make profits! Still buzzing after yesterday's HUGE Unc win over Mich St. I hope you guys took my advice and played that game big! I pounded that baby! You shoulda seen the look on my local "Fat Rico"s face when I scooped my winnings!
Nothing like a little...
325i is a huggies brand
battle of the egos-sammy and kid325i
blasphemy! boom!!!!
boom - kid is sammy's brother in delusion - boom
boom boom spank spank my shroom
dehoyos <3 's kid! boom!
fat rico is kid's mom - boom!
fat rico is the name of kid's dog
fat rico is the name of kid's left palm
fat rico takes payment in food stamps
good to see csah's cousin posting at ctg
i'm going to shbooooooooooooooooooooooooooooms!
i've got a smomod in my pants
kid calls his weiner limpy rico
kid drives a vw bus with a peace sign
kid learned how to speak from snoop dogg
kid rides fat rico like he's in a rodeo
move over sammy
there's a new kid in town
who tf uses the word besmirch? boom!